887. Egg Drop





最开始想的是我们先抛开鸡蛋的数量限制,有n层楼,找到刚好让鸡蛋摔碎的楼层。那最naive 的方法就是从下到上一层层尝试直到鸡蛋第一次摔碎。这时需要的实验次数是n。





又因为题目中说确定(WIth certainty),那么我们考虑的是最坏情况。就是肯定能测出的情况。那么在碎与没碎的情况中选出测试次数较多的那一个选项。根据再去取这个值与dp当前的位置的最小值。




class Solution {
    public int superEggDrop(int K, int N) {
        int[][] dp = new int[K + 1][N + 1];
        int m = 0;
        while (dp[K][m] < N) {
            for (int k = 1; k <= K; k++) {
                dp[k][m] = 1 + dp[k][m - 1] + dp[k - 1][m - 1];
        return m;



We have k eggs with n floors to test, and the eggs will happen to be dropped and broken on one floor. An algorithm needs to be designed to find the number of experiments needed to test n floors at least with a finite number of eggs. If the egg does not break during the experiment, it can continue to be used, and if it breaks, it breaks and the total number of available eggs is reduced by one.


First of all, I don't understand this question, and I don't understand the dynamic programming algorithm. The last thing I saw was a solution that I didn't understand either.

The first thing I thought was that we should put aside the limit on the number of eggs and find the floor that just allows the eggs to break. Then the most naive way is to try from bottom to top layer by layer until the egg breaks for the first time. The number of experiments required at this point is n.

Then we can think of dichotomizing. The final number of experiments will be logN, and logN will be better than N. This is what is meant by at least in the title.

However, there is a limit to the number of eggs. So the above method may need some modification.

Subproblem. There is no way to say how to associate this place. One can go to the relationship of a certain layer with the result of the previous layer. Then according to the question, we can conclude that the current layer does the experiment and the egg is broken and the available egg minus one, but we determine that the answer for the current layer can be based on one of the answers downstairs. If the egg is not broken, then we are sure that the answer of the current layer can be based on some answer from upstairs.

Then we define a dp array, the first parameter can be the number of floors to be tested (not defined as the number of floors to be tested), and the second dimension is the limit on the number of eggs. The result is that dp[n][k].

Again, since the question says certainty (WIth certainty), then we are considering the worst case. It is the case that can be measured for sure. Then choose the one with more tests among the broken and unbroken cases as the option. According to then go to take the minimum value of this value with the current position of dp.

**Initialization. **When the egg is 0, the result are 0 initial value. Because there are no eggs available for testing. When the egg is 1, it can also be measured only once. When the number of layers is 1, it also only needs to be tested once, regardless of how many eggs there are.


The code that I wrote myself didn't work out and always had errors. More useless to everyone's subsequent dichotomous optimization of some ideas. But I saw an answer online but didn't see too much how to think about it.

class Solution {
    public int superEggDrop(int K, int N) {
        int[][] dp = new int[K + 1][N + 1];
        int m = 0;
        while (dp[K][m] < N) {
            for (int k = 1; k <= K; k++) {
                dp[k][m] = 1 + dp[k][m - 1] + dp[k - 1][m - 1];
        return m;

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