Google Code Review Practice

Currently I'm working on a big project refactor and we are doing code review in a daily basis. To be honest, I hope there is a standard tells me how to do this including: what you should do when post your change, and even how do you perform a code review to others.

Thankfully I got this Google instruction on Google. I will share some thing I learned from these article series.


  • CL: Stands for "change list", which mean self-contained change that has been submitted to versio control or which is undergoing code review. Some organizations also call this a "change", "patch" or "pull request(PR)".
  • LGTM: Stands for "Looks Good To Me". It is what a code reviewer says when approving a CL.

What Do Code Reviews Look For?

Picking the Best Reviewers

Google suggests we should find someone that could respond in a reasonable period of time.

The best person is owner of the code. I thinks you can get the name from git blame. If they are not availabe, at leart CC them on you change.

I usually invite the code owner, my mentor(a senior engineer), sometimes my manager and another engineer(usually a senior or principal engineer).

In-Person Reviews(and Pair Programming)

I never did a pair programming though.

I like in-person code review which enable reviewee to share the whole idea of design or details of a particular code. This would help me to explain my code more clearly to reviewers. On the other hand, reviews has a better understanding on codes and you will discuss in the flash once there is a question.

The CL Author's Guide

Writing Good CL Descriptions
  • First line use imperative sentence to summarize what you have done in this change.
  • Followed by a blank line and a description, inclduing what problem you are trying to solve, what approach you are using, possible shortcomings and optional background infomation.
Small CLs
  • Small means this CL only address one thing.
  • Should include test code.
How to Handle Reviewers Comments
  • Don't take it personally. Focus on the code part and that's you main task.
  • Fix the code. Try to clarify first if reviewers express consusion.
  • Think Collaboratively. No matter you will change your code or not, communicate with reviews about the solution.

How To Do A Code Review

(For this part I will take time to quick go through the Googe guide and share some ideas once I've done some CRs.)

Google Engine Practice

The Code Review Pyramid